Sunday, September 25, 2011

Homecoming 2011: Minnetonka Skippers UNDEFEATED

Dear Lerhol Family and Friends:

This week was Homecoming week at Minnetonka High is so fun to see so much school spirit.  Everyday there was a new theme at school and all of the students participate by wearing some CRAZY outfits to school. 

The first day was pajama day, then lumberjack day, safety day (I don't even get this one so don't feel like you are losing something in the translation) and the last day it was "school pride" day where everyone wore the school colors.  Sondre got dressed up everyday and then wore his football jersey on "School Pride Day."  On Friday they crowned the King and Queen of the school too.  Enjoy the pictures. 

The student section.  Lots of school spirit for sure.

The varsity team played Edina on Friday night and won again by a score of 28 to 14; the junior varsity played on Saturday and "creamed" them by a score of 56 to 7.  Sondre played in a full series...and he looked good.

 The team walks in arm and arm...sign of team solidarity.  It is pretty cool to see. 

During the national anthem...not so sure he knows the words.  I think he hums it.  :)

 After every game the team sings the school song to all of the fans to thank them for the support. 
I love this part
 Post game huddle.

The two teams shaking hands after the game

Above is a picture of Sondre running through the defense on the other team (vs. Jefferson...last weeks game).  Look at the smile on his coaches face in the background.  He looks like an ox he is so strong. 


Below is a picture of Sondre all dressed up in his new homecoming suit.  Handsome huh???  He can wear this suit when the King and Queen of Norway are here.  Scott contacted "The Sons of Norway" here in Minnesota and Sondre will be able to go to the church service they will be attending while they are in Minnesota (October 16th.)

It was a pretty busy football weekend for us...Alex (our youngest) who is a senior in college at Winona State had a great game as Quarterback.  They won too.

Alex #18..throwing a touchdown pass vs. Upper Iowa

Today we spent the day at an AFS event...and had a good time.  Sondre enjoyed "hanging" around with the other students from the other parts of Minnesota.

Knut and Torstein:  Scott got tickets to the Vikings game for when you are in the US.  They have been playing hopefully they can get their act together so you will have an enjoyable game to watch.  He got enough tickets for all of the boys (including Chrisopher)...we girls join you for a pre-game tailgate somewhere.  Scott may have also finagled a way for two of you to actually watch the game on the field with the team.  Fingers-crossed.

Both Scott and I were out of town last week for a few Sondre got a break from his nasty host parents :)  I actually think he missed us!

Next weeks update will include Sondre's senior pictures...we will send you the link so you can chose which ones you want. 

Have a good week...lots of love from Minnesota.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lerhol vs. Lerohl...what a small world we live in!

Dear Lerhol Family and Friends:

Things are settling in very well here in Minnetonka and life is seemingly more normal.  We have gotten used to being parents of a teenager again (which we really are enjoying) and Sondre has gotten used to life in the US.  The best part about being a host family is learning more about Sondre and his family and life in Norway.   He has shared so much about all of you and life on the farm...with pride and fondness. 

As I mentioned in a previous blog, Sondre's "Wide-Receivers" coach (Coach Croyle) is a grandson to Howard Lerohl (notice the different spelling...) who is a descendant of the Lerhol family from the North Farm in Vang, Norway.  Last night at Sondre's football game Howard Lerohl was there and was anxious to meet Sondre.  After the game, Coach Croyle introduced Sondre to Howard and they immediately started to speak in Norwegian.  Apparently, Howard met (Grandpa) Knut Lerhol in 1993 when Sondre's Dad (Jon) was a driver for the Norwegian Kings guard.  We hope to get to know him and his family while Sondre is in the US and to also introduce him to Knut and Torstein while they are in the US over Christmas.  We would like to make sure we introduce Howard to Frank and Beulah too.   In the US we have a saying that "we live in a very small world" and this is a perfect example. 

This is Coach Croyle and his darling family.  He is also Sondre's Civics teacher.
 Above is Howard Lerohl and Sondre after the game.  Coach Croyle is Howard's grandson.
Above is a picture of the Lerhol farm in Vang Norway.  Sondre's family lives on the farm on the far left and Howard's family is from the North farm on the right.  Absolutely beautiful.

As a side note:  Sondre was able to play in the Varsity game last night...Minnetonka won by a score of 42 to 0.  They are sure off to a great start.  Below is a shot of Sondre during the game and the band playing during half-time.

Last Sunday we had a meeting with all of the other AFS families in our local chapter.  It was nice for all of the host parents to meet and for the kids to meet as well.  Below is a picture of all of the kids...there are kids from Finland, Italy (she also goes to Minnetonka High School and is ADORABLE), Bangladesh, Germany, Japan and Uruguay.  There are many times over the next year that we will spend time with these families.  AFS is very organized to make sure the kids are doing well.  For the monthly meetings each student has to do a presentation on their country and culture.  We have to also make some Norwegian food...fortunately Bjorg ( Tore's mom) sent me a Norwegian cookbook last Christmas so we will find something delicious to make.  Sondre's presentation is on October 16th...we will share a copy of it in future blogs. 

 AFS students from all over the world.

School seems to be going very well.  We have access to Sondre's progress (homework, tests scores, etc... )on-line through the school computer system, so it is very easy to keep in touch with what is going on.  I am happy to say at this point he is doing well in all of his classes especially in Higher Algebra and also in Human Anatomy and Physiology.  In English he is reading Les Miserable  and next will read Hamlet.  I told him I would read them too (since I never have).

Last night after the football game there was a dance and Sondre attended the dance.  He had a great time but is fighting off a nasty "cold" so did not stay as long as he would have liked to.  He is just hanging out today so he can get well before school starts on Monday.

Next week at school is what we call "Homecoming" week.  In the  US it is a tradition and annual event at schools, colleges, and universities for returning graduates.  Along with a BIG football game, they crown a King and Queen of the school; there are parades, and a dance where the kids all get dressed up.  We will post pictures next week.  Also, this week Scott will be taking Sondre's "senior" pictures...which is also a tradition here in the US. Sondre will get copies of the pictures, have one for the yearbook and exchange with his friends.

Scott and I both have to travel for work next Tuesday and Wednesday (I am going to Columbia South Carolina and Scott is going to Philedelphia.  Courtney, Ryan and Amelia will staying at our house with Sondre. Norman (their 90 pound yellow Labrador) will be here too…Norman and Sondre have really bonded.  Courtney and Ryan shared some really exciting news that they are expecting their second child in March.  It will be fun to have Sondre here for that blessed event.  J

Hope all is well.  Lots of love from Minnesota.  .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The "Money" Shot...Sondre's first pass catch in a game!!!

Dear Lerhol Family and Friends:

Well today was quite the day!  Not only did Sondre play in the game, he caught his very first pass during an official game.  Scott got the "money" shot (see below)...he looks just like a pro  When Sondre caught the pass the team went crazy...lots of cheering and lots of high 5s on the field and the sidelines.  Very, very fun.  The coach even mentiioned it in the post-game huddle.  Minnetonka won again.  We could get used to this. 

His goal was to play in one game for one play in the season.  He has surpassed that already, so I guess he will have to re-establish his goal and perhaps scoring a touchdown would be appropriate.

.  Dre's very first catch as a wide-receiver for the Minnetonka Skippers. 

Last week we went to Martha and Doug's cabin where Sondre enjoyed some "Paddle Boarding" and sailing.  Good times.

Last week Scott and Sondre went to Alex's football game at Winona State University and  got this picture.  I think they look like brothers...seriously.  Two handsome young men for sure.

School started this week and Sondre seems to have adapted rather well.....I will blog more later next week .

Tomorrow is a very solemn day in the US...hard to believe it has been 10 years since 9/11. Also tomorrow, is the first family AFS meeting at one of the local AFS chapter.  We are supposed to bring something Norwegian to we will have to figure something out.  The only thing I can think of is lefsa :)

Sorry for the short blog...but it is beautiful outside so we are going to head out on the boat for the afternoon with Jim and Noonie Lieb.  We don't know how many more nice weekends we have left before the snow starts to fall.  Although...we love to snow-shoe and actually really do enjoy the winter. 

Hope all is well in Norway. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Spillte min foerste fotballkamp i dag :) (Quote from Sondre)

Hello Lerhol Family and Friends....

I am starting to sound like a broken record, but we had another very busy week.  . 

It started out with a visit to the Minnesota State Fair, as I mentioned in last weeks blog. Scott, Courtney, Amelia, Sondre and I all took the bus there...parking is nearly impossible. Sondre was literally in shock with the amount of people there and how many places there are to consume calories and buy food.  Even we were over-whelmed with the "sea" of people.  We had to be somewhat aggressive to get through the crowds.  You only need to go to the State Fair about once every 5 years.  :)

 Above is an example of some of the booths at the fair.
 Above and below...people, people everywhere. 
Here is a summary of the food he ate while he was there. 1) Turkey delicious.  2) Fire roasted corn on the cob...num  3) Cheese curds...a Fair favorite   4) Deep fried Reese's Peanut Buttercup...seriously who eats deep fried candy bars?  (he loved those)  5) French and fresh, 6) Deep fried pickles...he ate those just to make Scott happy...I don't think he cared for them, 7) Corn dog...classic Fair food. 
That was all within an hour :).  It was fun but not very good for us. 

 Having a corn dog.
 Really???? Deep fried candy bars.  Only in the US.
 Amelia was not very interested in sharing her french fries with Sondre. 
This is a pig from the livestock barn...Sondre specifically requested I post this picture.  Is this what pigs look like in Vang?  I wish you could smell this picture.  :)

This week was really more about school than football.  Scott was out of town all week visiting Pam and Jackson (our daughter-in-law and grandson) while our son is out on deployment through the Navy.  On Monday, we went to the District Office to get him registered as a student in the District and then on Tuesday, we met with his school counselor to register for his classes.  He is all registered for his classes including:  Math...a higher level of Algebra, English (writing, reading novels, etc...), Strength Training, Human Anatomy, American History/Geography, Sports Business Marketing, and a few other classes including a study hall.  I think he felt good about what he is enrolled in.  I did.   

Then that evening we attended the "new student" orientation at the High School, where he got to "walk-through" his schedule, see the classrooms and meet his teachers.  This will be very helpful on his first day of school.  Makes me feel better, so I don't have to worry about him getting lost on his first day of school.  He did just great and so many of the football players were student tour guides, so he sure seemed to know a lot of kids already. 

On Thursday night the Minnetonka Skippers played Totino Grace, who has been unbeaten at home for 3 years.  Well guess what?  Minnetonka beat fact we would call it a "trouncing".  Minnetonka looked great.  It was a beautiful evening for outdoor football.  Last night he went out for burgers with several of the players on the team.  Sounds like he had a good time.

 Just before he went into the game; #6 is Cote...a very nice guy and very welcoming to Sondre.
 Taking instruction from the QB...#12
 Get ready....
...and done.

Today Scott and Sondre are heading down to Winona (Southern Minnesota)  to watch Alex's college football game and tomorrow we are going to our good friends (Martha and Doug Miller) cabin to enjoy the last weekend of the summer.  Martha and I have been best friends since grade school...we are very blessed to have so many close friends.

School starts on Tueday so things should settle down a bit.  He has football practice everyday after school so we will make sure to stay on top of his homework and grades.

By the way...Sondre mowed the lawn today, which was a great help since Scott has been out of town all week.

Take from Minnesota.