Wow...what a week! It started with a meeting with the Nordic Ski team, coaches and parents and then Thanksgiving, a surprise 80th birthday party for my aunt Margee at our house, then family game night and birthday celebration for Alex....who is 23 years old today.
Nordic Ski Season begins:
Tuesday evening Scott, Sondre and I attended a pot luck (pot·luck (p

A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all) at the high school for the official kick-off of the season...we met the coach, other parents and several of the athletes. From what I understand these kids are really good kids...dedicated to the sport, their fitness and their school work. Those are the kind of kids you like your kids to associate with!
I am excited for the season to start. Sondre has purchased his equipment and is ready for more snow so they can practice on their skis. The school has provided Sondre with some "roller" skis that he can use for dry-land training. He took them for a spin yesterday and said it was very hard work, but enjoyable. Scott has again offered to be the team photographer (he was for the football team) so we look forward to sharing some beautiful pictures with you over the next few months.
Unfortunately, Scott has to have surgery on his knee in a few weeks (second surgery on the same knee in a year.). He was running at one of Alex's football game to capture a picture of a great play and landed on it wrong and re-injured his meniscus. He needs to recover quickly because he is gong to Vail skiing at the end of January with all of his buddies.
I am excited for the season to start. Sondre has purchased his equipment and is ready for more snow so they can practice on their skis. The school has provided Sondre with some "roller" skis that he can use for dry-land training. He took them for a spin yesterday and said it was very hard work, but enjoyable. Scott has again offered to be the team photographer (he was for the football team) so we look forward to sharing some beautiful pictures with you over the next few months.
Unfortunately, Scott has to have surgery on his knee in a few weeks (second surgery on the same knee in a year.). He was running at one of Alex's football game to capture a picture of a great play and landed on it wrong and re-injured his meniscus. He needs to recover quickly because he is gong to Vail skiing at the end of January with all of his buddies.
Thanksgiving Celebration:
On Thanksgiving morning most of our family and relatives did the 5k Turkey Trot at Minnetonka High was a beautiful morning and we all got some much needed exercise. Everyone came over to our house after the race for an informal breakfast and then at 2pm we all went over to my sister Anne's house for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast and family time.
This year was really special because my Aunt Margee, my cousin Edd and his two kids joined us. Margee lives in Florida in the winter, Edd and Erik live in Colorado and Julia lives in San Francisco, CA. They were in town for Thanksgiving and for a surprise 80th birthday party for Margee.
It was a very nice day so we were able to be outside and play the game cornhole bags and let the little ones run around. (The game of Cornhole is similar in concept to Horseshoes or Lawn Darts. However, instead of pitching heavy iron horse shoes or throwing sharp pointed darts, you toss corn-filled bags into a hole.) Our family is crazy about this game and play it all the time. I am not very good at it...but Sondre sure is. He and Scott were the champs of the day.
Surprise Party
On Friday we transformed our garage into a Cantina for a Mexican fiesta themed surprise party. We gathered about 45 people in the garage and when Margee got to our house we just pulled up the garage door and sang her happy birthday. She was really surprised and laughed and cried. My niece did a wonderful video of her life that was really heartwarming.
I think Sondre had a good time and is starting to figure out just how big and close (and crazy) our family is.
Alex's Birthday:
Last night we decided to take it easy and just stay home, have a good dinner and play some fun games. Courtney, Ryan and Amelia slept over too. In this family we play a lot of games and Sondre fit right in...he was very good at a game that is similar to Charades. He has no challenges at all with understanding the themes he had to act out. I really am amazed just how fluent he is...he just gets it. Sondre made Alex breakfast this morning since it is his birthday! going to be a low key day. Probably will watch the Vikings game and not do much of anything else. Scott makes the worlds best Turkey soup so we have a great dinner planned for later today.
Looks like you guys got some great snow...please send it our way! Sondre is going to write the next next week you will hear from him. :)
Alix and Scott
This year was really special because my Aunt Margee, my cousin Edd and his two kids joined us. Margee lives in Florida in the winter, Edd and Erik live in Colorado and Julia lives in San Francisco, CA. They were in town for Thanksgiving and for a surprise 80th birthday party for Margee.
Pretty good crowd!
On your mark, get-set, go!
The finish line...26 minutes. Well done Sondre!
Let's talk Turkey!
The Family
It was a very nice day so we were able to be outside and play the game cornhole bags and let the little ones run around. (The game of Cornhole is similar in concept to Horseshoes or Lawn Darts. However, instead of pitching heavy iron horse shoes or throwing sharp pointed darts, you toss corn-filled bags into a hole.) Our family is crazy about this game and play it all the time. I am not very good at it...but Sondre sure is. He and Scott were the champs of the day.
A little rough-housing with Owen (6 year old nephew)
Sondre's first Thanksgiving (of many we hope) in the US.
The big kids table...and my Mom (Grandma Floss)
Surprise Party
On Friday we transformed our garage into a Cantina for a Mexican fiesta themed surprise party. We gathered about 45 people in the garage and when Margee got to our house we just pulled up the garage door and sang her happy birthday. She was really surprised and laughed and cried. My niece did a wonderful video of her life that was really heartwarming.
I think Sondre had a good time and is starting to figure out just how big and close (and crazy) our family is.
The birthday girl
The birthday girls singing karaoke...she was hilarious!
Now...time to get after the pinata! .
My niece Meghan and her Dad Ross...the one with the large chile pepper on his head. :)
My niece Meghan and her Dad Ross...the one with the large chile pepper on his head. :)
The girls....Angela, Shannon and Amelia.
My favorite 3 year old girl!
Courtney Anne Dirks...22 weeks pregnant!
My favorite 3 year old girl!
Courtney Anne Dirks...22 weeks pregnant!
Alex, Sam and Sondre "hamming" it up for the camera.
More fun...this time with the girl cousins!
This picture does not even need a caption!
It was nice enough to sit at the bonfire...without jackets on. Sondre loves Norman (the dog)
Last night we decided to take it easy and just stay home, have a good dinner and play some fun games. Courtney, Ryan and Amelia slept over too. In this family we play a lot of games and Sondre fit right in...he was very good at a game that is similar to Charades. He has no challenges at all with understanding the themes he had to act out. I really am amazed just how fluent he is...he just gets it. Sondre made Alex breakfast this morning since it is his birthday!
Here he is acting out the theme "hiding places". Yes that is a could use props that are around the house to try to get your team to get the right answers.
It was very funny!
It was very funny! going to be a low key day. Probably will watch the Vikings game and not do much of anything else. Scott makes the worlds best Turkey soup so we have a great dinner planned for later today.
Looks like you guys got some great snow...please send it our way! Sondre is going to write the next next week you will hear from him. :)
Alix and Scott